Monday, August 01, 2005

Now entering trimester two

"I am now officially in the second trimester! Unfortunately, I did not pop out of bed this morning and I do not seem to have more energy. I'm still patiently waiting. If I believe hard enough it'll happen, right?

I think part of the problem is that I'm having a hard time sleeping. Yeah, and I'm only beginning my fourth month and not even bulging yet. It's difficult for me to not be able to fall asleep on my stomach (as that's how I've been drifting off to dreamland for the last 20-some-odd years -- I'm learning I probably didn't sleep on my tummy the first year or two of my life, because it's not healthy for babies). I'm trying not to sleep on my back either since "they" say that lying on your back is bad. It hinders the baby's access to oxygen and I'm not too thrilled about depriving Bucky of that main necessity. So on my side I go, with a pillow between my knobby knees.

"They" also suggest the left side is best... Why? I have yet to get a satisfying answer, but when I do I'll let you know.

It takes me quite awhile to fall asleep and there is a lot of switching from side to side, punctuated with huffs and sighs (all of which I'm sure Ross just loves). Then I wake up to head to the bathroom and have to go through it all again before I'm rudely awakened by our alarm. I doubt, no matter how much energy I gain back in this second trimester, that I'll ever pop out of bed!

Bucky is now the size of a computer mouse or small fist, three to four inches and weighing in at a mighty one ounce or so. Go, go, Bucky!

Kids, they just grow so fast..."
--Clare, 8/1/05


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