Sunday, November 13, 2005


"Around 26-28 weeks a baby usually begins practicing swallowing and breathing movements and can develop the hiccups. Apparently, Bucky has started practicing. The last two days after I've finished lunch and returned to my desk I've felt this light tap-tap-tap happening where Bucky's head is supposedly positioned. It doesn't feel like the regular kicks or wiggling around. It's only in precisely one location and sort of like a metronome rhythm. Occasionally there is a delay in the repetitions, but overall it's very consistent.

Yesterday, it happened twice! The second time when I had just arrived home from work. I made Ross feel for it and he described it as feeling like a little heart beat. I tell you, this is really cool. If we had a stethoscope, I wonder if we could hear any sound from them? Little chirps maybe?

The funny thing is I don't think Bucky really likes having the hiccups, because when the hiccups happen his or her legs and arms start squirming about as though Bucky's saying, "I don't like this, make it stop."

Sorry, Bucky. If you're anything like your mom these hiccups aren't ever going away."
--Clare, 11/03/05


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